Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Mental Health is Vital

I don't know what it is, but having an unplanned day off from work is TOTES different than being off on the weekend...

Yesterday I had to take a necessary mental health day from the office. I was literally one step away from having an anxiety attack in my cube. And I must was one of the best and most productive days I've had in a really long time.

Food shopping. Lunch with mom and grandma. Cleaned my bedroom (like every single dusty crevice). Gave myself a facial. Uploaded my pictures to ShutterFly so I can FINALLY print them out and put them into all of those wall-frames and photo albums I bought at The Christmas Tree store but never used. Went to the gym. Organized my closet. Watched New Girl (my new go-to laugh machine).

Seriously amazing was yesterday? It doesn't sound like much, but it was so relaxing to take a time-out just for myself.

The moral of the story - don't let things get so stressful in your life that you don't take a minute for yourself. And don't let ANYONE make you feel bad for doing so. Your life is about you and your goals. Never feel guilty.

Song lyrics for my mood...
"There's too many things I haven't done yet. There's too many sunsets I haven't seen. You can't waste the day wishing it'd slow down. You would have thought by now - I'd have learned something. I made up my mind when I was a young girl. I've been given this one world. I won't worry it away. Now and again, I lose sight of the good life. I get stuck in a low light. Then love comes in."
Many the Miles - Sara Bareilles

Back to the office and feeling refreshed...


  1. Agreed. You are a rockstar and unplanned days off are the BEST!

  2. I completely agree. I took one the other day for the same reason and feel so much better!

  3. Aren't they the best!? You wake up and feel so refreshed! :)
